Research, monitoring and evaluation of programs and practices in the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools network is coordinated by the Research Department, formed in 2015. The Research Department works in close collaboration with AEO researchers and research practitioners from the Intellectual Schools, as well as international partners in research projects. Read more

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Annual International Research-to-Practice Conference 

The International Research-to-Practice Conference held by Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools is a key platform for discussing the results of research and ongoing educational reforms with experts interested in the future of secondary education in Kazakhstan and beyond. The conference brings together world leaders, policy-makers and practitioners to discuss policies and practices in education and plays an important role in promoting educational change in Kazakhstan. 

The speakers of our annual Conference are leading international and Kazakhstani experts who present current education research and issues in 12 thematic areas.


Research Advisory Board 

Research Advisory Board of the AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” (RAB) is a consulting and advisory body on the research activities and research management in the AEO. 

RAB provides advice and support for research, as well as evaluates the quality of research conducted by AEO and external organizations in the Intellectual Schools. The Council liaises with the educational research community both inside and outside Kazakhstan. 

RAB consists of international researchers in the field of education , as well as NIS staff.



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