Integrative Model of Forming Professional Readiness of Future Teachers at Higher Education Institution (On the Example of Western Kazakhstan

    Abstract: In high school, the research skills of the teacher are important for the modern learning process. The purpose of the article is to present the methods and techniques of the hermeneutic-phenomenological approach adapted by the authors when implementing the Lesson Study technology and evaluate their effectiveness for the development of the research competencies of the teacher. The conducted experiment showed the effectiveness of combining the hermeneutic-phenomenological approach with Lesson study technology for the development of research skills of teachers. The study expanded the understanding of the application of Lesson Study technology in secondary schools. The materials will also be useful to educators when implementing Action Research technology in schools. 

Общее направление:Профессиональное развитие педагогов
Стадия проекта:Завершен
Тип отчетного документа:Статья по итогам исследования
Отчетный период:2017-2019
Год публикации/выхода отчета:2020
Организация:ЦПМ г. Уральск
Автор:Обыденкина Лариса Валентиновна
Уровень доступа:да



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