Curriculum sampling as a strategy employed for student performance monitoring system in Mathematics at Nazarbayev Intellectual schools, The 44th IAEA Annual Conference “Assessment and Big Data”, Oxford, the UK

Authors and co-authors:

Laila Issayeva, Daniyar Temirtassov (Center for Pedagogical Measurements, Nazarbayev Intellectual schools, Kazakhstan)Nico Dieteren, Sjoerd Crans (Institute of Educational Measurement Cito, the Netherlands)


Student performance monitoring in Mathematics is a relatively new assessment tool for Kazakhstani educational system, developed specifically for the students of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools (NIS). This standardized assessment tool was mainly constructedto collect objective dataabout retained student knowledge across previously taught curriculumin Mathematics in order to track and adjust individual learning paths of each student.

One of the main elementsof this system istestitems that measure how well students havegrasped skills and knowledge in Mathematics. Since the new Mathematics curriculum was going to be implemented at NIS, policy makers decidedto support such complicated process by designing monitoring measures usingcurriculum sampling. This means that monitoring measures are developed based on the NIS Mathematics curriculum. NIS and Cito experts havejointly carried out a comparative analysis of NIS Mathematics curriculum and test matrix to check to what extent the test items developed are able to measure reliablyand validly student performanceof individual learners. The current study reflects on how curriculum sampling approach to development of Mathematics monitoring test itemsworks at NIS.

Общее направление:Оценивание
Стадия проекта:Завершен
Тип отчетного документа:Статья по итогам исследования
Отчетный период:2018
Год публикации/выхода отчета:сентябрь, 2018
Организация:ЦПИ, Cito
Автор:Лайла Баудиновна Исаева, Sjoerd Crans
Уровень доступа:общедоступный



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