Bul maqalada áleýmettik jáne emosıonaldyq daģdylardy anyqtaıtyn ádebıetke sholý berilgen, olardyń zertteýler nátıjesine súıene otyryp, ómirde tabysty bolýģa áser etý máselesi, sondaı-aq áleýmettik jáne emosıonaldyq daģdylardy damytýģa yqpal etetin baģdarlamalar qarastyrylady. Zertteý nátıjelerin taldaý áleýmettik jáne emosıonaldy quzirettilikterdi damytýģa erte jastan bastap ınvestısıa salý jáne otbasylardy, uıymdar men qaýymdastyqtardy osy úderiske tartý kerektigin dáleldeıdi.
This article provides a literature review that defines social and emotional skills, examines the issue of its impact on success in life based on research results, as well as programmes that promote the development of social and emotional skills. An analysis of the research results suggests that the development of social and emotional competencies should be invested from an early age and involve families, organizations and communities in this process.