Methodology for Developing E-learning Courses in IT Education


    The development of educational processes in the universities of Kazakhstan in modern conditions occur in the following areas: individualization of educational methods, the transition to a continuous educational technology, the use of information technology in the educational process. The emergence of a new form of distance learning has fundamentally changed the idea of organizing the educational process as a whole. The use of modern educational technologies allows to increase the number of university students served.

Relevance The article describes the implementation of this process, which is associated with the solution of a number of issues such as: developing an infrastructure for e-learning: developing new methods and training and sets of programs to support a single information space: developing e-courses: training students in using e-learning tools for training.

    Methods In the context of ubiquitous informatization, interactive forms of interaction are needed, covering a large contingent of students, ensuring the mobility of the teaching staff. The only form corresponding to these requirements is distance learning presented in the form of a whole range of technologies ensuring the delivery of the main volume of the material being studied to students, interactive interaction of students and teachers in the learning process, providing the learner with the opportunity for independent work on mastering the material being studied as well as in the learning process.  

    Results Remote educational technologies in teaching students are one of the important activities of the university. The Faculty of Distance Learning provides technological support for the educational process, conducts training for teaching staff in distance learning technologies.  

    Discussion The authors of the article describe the technology of remote learning using information and communication tools of the Internet.  

    Development of distance courses based on state standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan and compiled taking into account the experience of European universities – leaders in the field of e-learning.  

    Conclusion The authors of the article believe that the increasingly widespread term “e-learning” includes the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), which, potentially, can be used in education, is rapidly expanding.  

    Index Terms: e-learning, information and communication technologies (ICT), distance learning technologies. 

Общее направление:Содержание образования
Стадия проекта:Завершен
Тип отчетного документа:Промежуточный отчет (за цикл, за период)
Отчетный период:2019
Год публикации/выхода отчета:2019
Организация:ЦПМ г. Талдыкорган
Автор:Рамазанов Ринат Гинаятович
Уровень доступа:да



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